
This is the timeline of events explained in detail, as well as relevant evidence uploaded and linked in support of those events


1988: Arriving in South Africa

I visited South Africa through my uncle Dennis Nikolopoulos (RIP),…Read More

1990-1992: From student to entrepreneur

I enrolled for an electrical engineering course at the Durban…Read More

1993: Technotronic Electronics is born

I started my own company called Technotronic Electronics, at 45…Read More

1993: My business grows

I expanded my business to Broad Street in Durban and…Read More

1997: Becoming friends with Johan Booysen

I met a senior police officer, Johan Booysen, the commander…Read More

1998: Witnessing torture for the first time

After I became friends with Booysen, as a civilian I…Read More

3 January 1999: Becoming a police reservist

I had known Booysen and his family for two years,…Read More

25 October 2000: Booysen uses his influence to transfer me to his unit

Johan Booysen personally drove me around to get my medical…Read More

7 March 2000: Specialised combat training

After the Murder and Robbery Unit was renamed the Serious…Read More

15 October 2001: “Put a bullet in his head”

On Friday the 12/10/2001 I had lunch with Booysen at…Read More

6 December 2001: Armed robbery at my store

At 0930 an armed robbery (video) took place at my…Read More

11 December 2001: Bullying the media, controlling public opinion

A reporter from Daily News contacted me and asked me…Read More

2002: mi casa es su casa

I started to investigate, various night clubs, involved in drug…Read More

2003: Police work success & Awards

My success work as a reservist in dealing with crime,…Read More

2003: Modus of Operandi of the Cato Manor death squad and controlling the media

Being under the protection of a unit with a notorious…Read More

2004: The year I become a whistleblower

By 2004 I had spent 3 years with the unit…Read More

2005: Cracking a Nigerian syndicate

After reporting the torture of the African suspect to my…Read More

January 2006: “The night we shot a prostitute”

In 2006, I was collected by members of the unit…Read More

June 2006: Cato Manor cops share their “trophy photos” of suspects they’ve killed

On 4/06/2006 Director Johan Booysen visited me at my home.…Read More

The turning point, Easter 2007: “Step on his belly so he can die faster”

On  April 9th, 2007 around 19:00 I had returned from celebrating…Read More

22 August 2008: Minister Malusi Gigaba’s laptop

On the 22nd of August 2008 at around 13h00 I  received…Read More

25th September 2008 : Forced to exile

In late September 2008, I was no longer a shareholder…Read More

2010: Becoming parents for the first time

In August 2010 coming back from a summer holiday, Shelley…Read More

2011: Priorities change but the struggle carries on

June the 5th, 2011,Booysen suddenly reached out to me with…Read More

September 2013: Noseweek smears a whistleblower, NPA lies about me in court

The second fake news campaign was run by a magazine called NoseWeek.…Read More

2014: Gorven judgement and my inquries to the NPA

Next Booysen went to court to have Jiba’s racketeering authorisations…Read More

2015 & 2016: Al Jazeera film (Echoes of Apartheid) NPA apologises to me

International Media Network Aljazeera, made a documentary regarding the Cato…Read More

2016: Booysen writes a book of lies, I win an award

In 2016 I received a special recognition for blowing the…Read More

October 2018: The Mokgoro and Zondo inquiries

The Mokgoro inquiry: In 2018 a national inquiry headed by…Read More

2019: A dark age for justice in South Africa & the beginning of my work towards whistleblower advocacy

After legal consultation my attorney sent a letter, dated 11 April…Read More

2020: I win a press ombudsman complaint against Daily Maverick

A report surfaced in 2020, named the De Kock report, falsely stating that…Read More

2021: Working toward creating a better future for whistleblowers

2021 was a promising and demanding year. After Daily Maverick…Read More

2022: Zondo Commission final report ignores Booysen

The Zondo Commission’s final report General Booysen, “hijacked” the Zondo commission…Read More

2022: The whistleblower’s concept The world is starting to listen

  2022 was a very interesting year for my advocacy…Read More

Police units obtaining forced confessions with torture methods adapted during Apartheid times

During Apartheid, security forces in South Africa were notorious for…Read More

January 2024 : Partnership with the devil, Angelo Agrizzi and Johan Booysen

“Deconstructing Narcissist & Racist Behavior in South Africa: The Agrizzi…Read More